Saturday, June 16, 2012
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Toast to Freedom
Amnesty International based their production team here last April, during the recording of this music video - a 50th anniversary celebration with over 50 musical participants. Filmed at Levon Helm's, this production is edited beautifully from footage supplied by artists at their home studios, as well. A shout-out to Carl Carlton (Wild Rose Alumni) and Larry Campbell (hometown guy) for bringing this gift to fruition.
Friday, May 15, 2009

Marty Balin was the founder and a featured vocalist for Jefferson Airplane from 1965 to 1971. Miracles - from Starship's "Red Octopus" album is perhaps my favorite love song ever written, make no mistake. Certainly the most sensuous. I'm still blown away by the intimacy, the intensity of the lyrics. Marty's haunting vocals made him one of the most distinctive and charismatic singers on the rock scene.
"If only you believe like I believe...," are sentiments from Marty's heart. "I'm a spiritual-oriented person and I believe that music and art can help change the world for the better" he says.
Balin says of the song: "I wrote 'Miracles" about Barbara (his girlfriend at the time), and also about the miraculous powers of Sai Baba. I went to Puttaparti with Barbara and saw Sai Baba. We journeyed through the South Indian desert to the village; the song emerged from that darshan, that experience.""When I wrote 'Miracles,' I had my love for Barbara and my love for Sai Baba -- two very different forms of love -- running through me. So the song is about both of them. I picked up my guitar and I started singing: 'If only you believe, if only you believe like I believe, we'll get by' The words flowed one after another, along with the music; I got the song written down in one draft, on a sheet of yellow paper."
On a sunny spring morning, both Marty and guitarist Slick Agular played three special requests for the Innkeeper. "Today", "Coming Back to Me", and "Miracles".Sunday, March 22, 2009

And who would beg to differ, to watch the ancient beauty of a goddess in Isis wings.

After attending Ashara's intense dance seminar, my body was utterly I ante-up a pain-for-gain payout to the goddess.
But, they make it look so effortless.
Dance on - Sisters!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Performers on the stage at the L.A. Convention Center, included Terance Blanchard, trumpet; Marti Ladd, birthday girl; Cassandra Wilson, third from left; Eric Benét, next to Diamond; Josh Groban, waving; Faith Hill, and Tim McGraw, far right.
(Gina Ferazzi / Los Angeles Times)

Monday, January 26, 2009
Don and his soulmate Linda Leitch are themselves limitless mortals…sharing playful anecdotes from days past and poignant affirmations of the present moment. We laughed plenty, ate heartily, and danced together to Turkish rock under a silver moon.
Their last morning was sweet departure…a reminder that chance encounters are precious yet fleeting…which is, at day’s end, the Innkeeper’s lament. The air was pungent with incence as we sat for a brief moment eye-to-eye. Mine, once again a childs, filled with tears. “Ah, …you are relieved”, Don whispered as fact.
He writes me: The Earthe turns Her Self towards the dark and curves out away from The Sun, and The Wind rushes around the corner with a message from Dame Winter, that She comes quicky with Her Frosty Breathe on every blade of grass. On the Eve of The Hallows, light the Fires of Spring.
It was October, after all, and the wind was rushing in the season of the witch!
Friday, January 9, 2009
I looked at myself, I did not see me anymore, for in that moon, my body turned as fine as soul. The nine spheres disappeared in that moon, the ship of my existence drowned in that sea.
- Rumi
“Once I saw a chimpanzee gaze at a particularly beautiful sunset for a full 15 minutes, watching the changing colors [and then] retire to the forest without picking a pawpaw for supper.”
- Adriaan Kortlandt
Monday, December 29, 2008
In answer to so many questions about the Innkeeper's recipe for "down-time"...grab a willing musician and add a little funky chicken!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
A Gentle Woman Farmer